Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I had just depleted reading the love story of Prophet Sulaiman Alaihisalam and Queen Balkis or Sheba a story from Sejarah Hidup Nabi-Nabi,Arabic Qasosul Anbiya' or in English The Chronicles Of Prophets written by H.Salim Bahreishy.It has been hundred times i read this book,given by my beloved papa on my 10th birthday.So sweet right?hahaha...Actually this book inspiring me lots as it tells the great successfull after terrible hardships of all these 25 prophets.So fantastic!

The thing that i would raise here is how Allah could turn such an ego,proud and snob beautifull woman to a humble,loyal and honourable muslim.It makes me remind for not easily judge a person and labelling them jahat,sombong,gatal,angkuh and many more just because i only see them for twice or couple of time.Who knows one day that person can be better than me? They are rather better than a people who then warak or good guy but end up to a such devil and nasty like the story of Haman and Qorun which Allah tested them with wealthinest and great powers. Nauzubillah...Most importantly I should always keep praying for them probably someday that jahat, sombong,gatal,angkuh guy will get hidayah and will turn to a good people.InsyaAllah...

And for you guys my friends if you seen me doing wrong,i beg you please remind me to this entries...ok?I love you all :>

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